


Loop is a great expression if you’re looking to repeat a couple of keyframes without the need to copy and paste them over and over.

The expression looks at the keyframes applied to the layers property - and loops continuously.

  1. You first need to ensure you have two or more keyframes on your chosen property or effect.

  2. Whilst holding option on a mac, or ALT on a PC, click the stopwatch next to your desired property.

  3. Type loopOut()

In the example above, the loop expression has been added to the position of my layer. Once the timeline reaches the second keyframe it jumps back to it’s first keyframe and repeats, creating a loop.

Loop “Ping Pong”


Ping Pong works the same as a normal loop, but rather than jumping back to the first keyframe it will bounce between the two.

The example below has the exact same two keyframes as the first example, but this one has the “ping pong” addition. As you can see, this creates a seamless and endless loop with only two keyframes.



